While preparing a wildlife food plot near our cabin I noticed a killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) staying close to the corner of the plot.

The killdeer is a ground nesting bird so I stopped the tractor and started looking for a nest. It was within 2 feed of the tractor tire.

I marked the location of the nest with a stick stuck in the ground and continued to work on the food plot. The bird continued to guard the nest. The nest is between the killdeer and the vertical stick in the next photo.

At times the killdeer would try to draw me away from the nest by using the "broken-wing act"

Urge to "kill deer"
Earlier this spring we selected a beautiful Yellow Transparent apple tree from Dushore Agway and planted the tree in the field next to the pond by our cabin. The tree was looking great until a deer decided it would make a tasty snack. The tree was still alive but looked like it had been run over by a brush mower. This apple tree and two others planted this spring are now encircled by fencing. I will seek revenge with the deer during the December hunting season.