The bear was headed toward our farm property so I quickly drove the car to the field behind the barn and waited for the bear. After a couple of minutes I got out of the car and walked towards Harley's house where I meet the bear (at less than 15 yards) in the tall goldenrod. The bear headed south towards Dana Green's and I wasn't able to get another picture of this bear.

I returned to the car and had planned to show Harley the picture of the bear but found a second, smaller bear at Joyce Road near the driveway to the barn. This bear slowly walked up the road as I followed in the car.

The bear headed left and crossed Jan and Steve's driveway as it headed towards Miner's pond.

The bear then walked along the edge of the pond and back on Joyce Road. The bear continued north on the road and then headed for Gerry and Janet's lawn.

The bear walked towards the back of Gerry's lawn ...

and headed for the bird feeders. I shouted at the bear and it then headed for Gordon and Barb's lawn.

I continued to follow the bear with the car as it walked towards Gordon's bird feeder.

I got out of the car and shouted at the bear again as it approached the bird feeder. The bear then ran into the nearby woods.

Once in the woods, the bear stopped and watched me for a while and then walked slowly into the woods.