31 December 2011
28 December 2011
Going... Going... Gone!!!
20 December 2011
MEMORIAL BENEFIT for Karson Riley Hopkins
of Rome, PA
of Wyalusing, PA
Please come and support this family.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wyalusing American Legion
Auctions, Live Entertainment
TAKE OUT orders available
Crystal & Dave Baltrusaitis 570-833-0831
Danielle & Jonah Eberlin 570-833-4539
Deanna Vaskas 570-746-9469
18 December 2011
Pipeline Progress
The following photo shows a section of the woods at our cabin property where the crew is in the process of removing tree stumps and stacking wood to be chipped.

This is the same section of the woods after the clearing in complete.

05 December 2011
Smile, You're on Candid Camera
The Google Map Satellite image for our neighborhood was updated with a more current, high resolution image. The resolution is so good I was able to find myself working at our cabin property.
When I started looking at objects in the lawn at our cabin it was easy to pick out my John Deere tractor and a hay bale. I soon remembered the hay bale was only in the lawn for one day in early October when I reseeded the lawn and I was there the whole time. On closer inspection I was able to locate myself working on the lawn. (Click on photo for enlarged view)

This view shows the cabin property, our barn property, the reclaimed well pad area, access road, driveway to the cabin and even freshly mowed areas.

Since this satellite view of Rome was taken after the recent flooding it also show some of the flood damage along Wysox Creek.
27 November 2011
Enjoying the weather
01 November 2011
Pipeline Construction
31 October 2011
28 October 2011
First Snowfall
20 October 2011
The Woolly Bear Report
The Woolly Bear Caterpillar (Pyrrharctia isabella) is the larval form of the Isabella Tiger Moth and some people believe the Woolly Bear can predict the Winter weather by the size of the black bands on its body. The more black bands, the worse the winter will be.
While a good share of the Woolly Bears I consulted had 5 to 6 black bands with 5 or 6 brown bands (~50% black), more than half of the Woolly Bears had a greater amount of brown.

This one had mixed black/brown at the head, 2 black bands, 6 brown bands and then a black band.

This one had 60% brown in the middle.

This one was ~75% brown with black on the head end and no black on the other end.

This one was brown on both ends with very little black in the middle. It was ~80% brown.

We will see if these weather consultants are correct predictors of this Winter but in reality the size of the color bands are more reflective of the Woolly Bears previous weather and food supply.
16 October 2011
Cabin Project Update
We did manage to replace all the supports under the cabin, reinstall the front porch, replace and stain the decking on the porch, install new porch steps, install gutters and downspouts, install drain lines and do some landscaping.

12 October 2011
Fall Fungus
It's hard to miss a bright orange maple tree in the fall but a lot of the fall fungus is just as colorful, just smaller.
The following image may look like a large orange mushroom in a pine forest but the mushroom is less than an inch across and the "pine forest" is a carpet of moss.

Russula emetica (Poisonous)

Yellow Spindle Coral (Clavulinopsis fusiformis)

Clavaria zollingeri


The fall foliage of this year will soon fall to the forest floor where it will decay and feed next year's crop of fall fungus.
11 October 2011
Fall Colors
10 October 2011
Wild Asters

04 October 2011
School Time for Bears
01 October 2011
Autumn Olive Jam

This year's weather has produced a bumper crop of fruit and I found a recipe for Autumn Olive jam on the "dreams and bones" web blog.

Recipe for Autumn Olive Jam
Add 1 cup of water to the 8 cups of berries and bring to a boil then simmer for 20 minutes. Run the mash through a sieve and you will have about 5 cups of pressed fruit.
Measure out 3 ½ cups of sugar. Take ¼ cup of the measured sugar and mix it with the contents of a package of no-sugar-needed Sure Jell. Mix it in with the pressed fruit and bring to a rolling boil. Add the remainder of the sugar to the boiling liquid and return to a rolling boil and let it boil for one minute.
30 September 2011
Bees, Butterflies and Goldenrod
Some insects took advantage of the flowering goldenrod during the dry weather between the rain storms. While the number of wild honeybees has dropped off in the past years, they were large numbers of them working on the goldenrod.

While not as common as a honeybee, a blue wing wasp enjoyed the goldenrod.

The Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus), which depends on the milkweed plant during its caterpillar stage, switches to flowers like the goldenrod in its adult (butterfly) stage.

Two honeybees and a bumble bee working on the goldenrod.

16 September 2011
Wilmot Pipeline

Later in the afternoon, Jeremy Freeland and Robert McCarty of Kleinfelder were at the cabin property to get GPS locations of wetlands along the Wilmot pipeline.

12 September 2011
Wesauking Pipeline Survey

The survey team used the same GPS base station location near our cabin as did other survey teams.

New survey markers along Joyce Road near our barn.

09 September 2011
Flood Damage
Some of the flooded cars along Route 187 had been removed but this truck was located in a field just north of Myresburg.

This car was being removed from the flood water next to the Wysox Township Building along Route 187.

Shortly after the car was removed from the water these two people paddled by in a boat.

A boat paddles by the house near the Wysox Township building.

A little creek near Weaver's house, south of Gillette's Bridge, dumped rocks onto Route 187.

A view of Wysox Creek behind Weaver's Barn. Notice the stream bank which was washed out by the flooding. There used to be a road to the creek but now there is a 20 foot drop off.

Flood damage at the trailer court next to Route 187 south of Rome.

The small bridge at Elliott Road and North Rome Road is plugged full.

Flood trash at a bridge on North Rome Road.

Bridge damage on Battle Creek Road between Route 187 and Robinson Road.

Flood trash under the Route 187 bridge near Bob Wilmot's.

Damage at the old "sawmill" building along Route 187 north of Rome. Flooding from Wysox Creek pushed in the side of the building.

Wilmot's B&B next to Wysox Creek along Route 187.

The bridge on Route 187 just north of Orwell Hill Road was washed out.

Washout at the north end of the bridge.

View from the creek.

View of damage on the underside of the bridge. The north bridge abutment is broken in several places and the bridge deck is resting on a tree.