For the past week or so I have been installing drainage pipe around the cabin as another phase of
this year's cabin project. Several times while digging the ditches for the drain lines with my backhoe I would notice a small buck near the pond watching me. Unlike most deer, this buck didn't run away but stayed near the pond, bedded down and continued to watch me work.

After several days of us watching each other, I was able to walk within several feet of the buck as he hid in the tall grass around the pond.

The following photo was taken within 15 feet of the buck while he was hiding in his "nest".

Whenever I find the buck in his "nest", he will watch me take pictures then jump from his "nest", run for about 20 yards and then stop and watch me for a minute or two before heading to a clump of bushes. Within 20 to 30 minutes the buck will return to one of his "nests" near the pond.