On our way home from voting we noticed a buck deer wandering back and forth in the road, not paying any attention to our truck. It is the white-tailed deer's breeding season, known as the "rut", and the buck has one thing on his mind, find as many does as he can. White-tailed bucks are more
active and less cautious than usual during the "rut" and this makes them more susceptible to being hit by motor vehicles
This buck would walk up to the 5 foot high fence, look through it, return to the road, walk up the road a short distance and repeat the process.
After determining the fence didn't get any lower, the buck made a standing jump and easily cleared the fence.
After jumping the fence to enter the pasture the buck soon realized he needed to be on the other side of the pasture fence...
From another standing start the buck jumped over the fence, onto Joyce Road and walked into the woods.
Within a couple hundred yards of the buck jumping the fence we saw a doe run across Joyce Road and soon followed by another buck (with one thing on his mind).
As we approached our driveway we watched six more doe cross Joyce Road.