This blog will be used to communicate items of interest for the Joyce Road neighborhood. (Click on blog images for larger view)
28 October 2021
27 October 2021
Halloween Friends
As people prepare to celebrate Halloween by decorating with images that are centered around fear and phobias, one common image is spiders. Here are some of my Wolf Spider (Hogna carolinensis) friends that live at our barn.
I have a couple of Wolf Spiders that hang out inside a water hose at the sink in the barn. I am reminded of the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" nursery rhyme whenever I open the water valve and spiders come running out.
I have a couple of Wolf Spiders that hang out inside a water hose at the sink in the barn. I am reminded of the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" nursery rhyme whenever I open the water valve and spiders come running out.
I have a Wolf Spider that lives next to the door at the barn. This spider reminds me of a "Wal-Mart greeter" that always says hello when you enter.
Wolf Spiders are members of the family Lycosidae and can be identified by the orientation of their 8 eyes. A row of 4 small eyes above the mouth, then 2 larger eyes in the second row and the last 2 eyes in the third row on top of the forehead.
Wolf Spiders don't build webs and are primarily nocturnal hunters with keen night vision, much like wolves, which is where they get their name. Wolf Spiders prey upon small insects and have no interest in humans. They will not seek out interactions or attack you unless directly handled. Wolf spiders will bite if mishandled or trapped next to the skin. A Wolf Spider's bite is like that of a bee sting and will generally subside within 24 hours.
26 October 2021
Pepper Plants
With no frost so far this fall, the pepper plants in our garden have continued to produce and we had stuffed peppers for supper yesterday. I brought this pepper plant into the solarium for a few more fresh peppers this fall/winter.
25 October 2021
Sweet Potatoes
October has been warm and wet this year and while the sweet potatoes in our garden were still growing it's time to dig. The excessive rain this year caused a lot of the sweet potatoes to grow long/narrow but a few of them looked like small footballs. I dug up 3 five gallon buckets of sweet potatoes which will cure in the solarium for a couple of weeks to allow the skins to firm up and to let starches convert to sugar.
13 October 2021
Wheel Bug
Insects keep waiting at my door to be photographed. Today's bug caught my attention by the ridge protruding from its back. After some Internet research I identified it as a Wheel Bug (Arilus cristatus), they are named for the spiny ridge or "wheel" on the thorax.
12 October 2021
10 October 2021
Praying Mantis
08 October 2021
Fall Mushrooms
I found these mushrooms today while walking in the woods.
YELLOW-ORANGE FLY AGARIC (Amanita muscaria var. guessowii) - The name of this mushroom is supposedly derived from its ability to act as a fly killer. If the mushroom is crushed and placed in milk, it will attract flies and kill them. This mushroom is not “poisonous” per se, rather it is a hallucinogen/narcotic and will cause people to become intoxicated, or get sick and vomit.
YELLOW-ORANGE FLY AGARIC (Amanita muscaria var. guessowii) - The name of this mushroom is supposedly derived from its ability to act as a fly killer. If the mushroom is crushed and placed in milk, it will attract flies and kill them. This mushroom is not “poisonous” per se, rather it is a hallucinogen/narcotic and will cause people to become intoxicated, or get sick and vomit.