We worked on the gardens most of the day and around 6:00PM headed to the cabin to sit by the pond and relax. Within 20 feet of the park bench at the pond, a turtle was laying eggs in the rock hard dirt.

The many frogs at the pond are always fun to watch and listen to and a couple of the frogs were kind enough to pose for a picture.

After listening to the frogs and watching a few deer we headed to the barn to pickup some supplies for the gardens at the house. As we drove by Steve and Jan's driveway we could see a doe and a small fawn in the hay field. The doe ran across the field and headed for our field on the other side of Joyce Road. The fawn also ran but was unable to keep sight of the doe in the high grass. The fawn ran back to Steve's driveway and walked to Joyce Road where it stood near Steve's mailbox and looked for mom.

After a couple of minutes the fawn headed north on Joyce Road toward Brian's garage and into the field.

We continued on to the driveway for the barn where the lupins were in full bloom.

At the barn we loaded our supplies and watched a double rainbow.

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