It was only a couple of days ago that the ground was bare and I posted a picture of crocus in bloom... This year's weather continues to follow a pattern of, warm weather, bare ground and then a snow storm. The first full day of Spring arrived on Monday and this morning the ground was covered with fresh snow. With the temperature in the low 30's the snow started melting at daybreak and Mary shoveled the driveway ASAP.

This storm dumped 6 to 8 inches of wet snow over night and more is forecast for the next 24 hours.

The township road crew was out early today and plowed Joyce Road before daybreak so people could get to work.
Hey just checking out your blog - This is Chuck Gyeski (our camp is across from Jason's farm). Can't believe how much snow fell up there. Thanks for posting the pics. It helps us to keep connected to what's going on up there while being back in NJ. Can't wait to get up there.
I spoke with my mom in Sullivan Co. and she said the same. Snow, rain, sun, snow. Here in Phoenix it's usually always sun (in the 90s already). I always look forward to any change in weather here...LOVE the rain!! Since I miss 4 seasons we'll high-tale it up to N.Idaho in April. I hope my crocus haven't peeked out of the ground yet! Hi to Mary Ann!!