"It's like deja-vu, all over again" -
Yogi Berra Since the rain storm two days ago, the damaged silt socks had been repaired ...
Last night's 1.7 inches of rain did it again. Multiple breaches of the repaired silt socks occurred in the same places as two days ago

Erosion on the well pad slope.

The silty/muddy water had enough force to move the silt socks and allow the water to run down the hillside.

The water had enough force to break the silt sock anchor stake.

The volume of muddy water was too much for the silt fence.

Muddy water running down the hillside below the well pad.

Hillside erosion.

Hay being spread on the hillside.

Excavator installing new rock between the well pad and the silt socks.

A truck load of mulch for repairing the silt socks needed a tow from a dozer to get up the soft soil of the access road to the well pad area.