As the days pass from Spring to Summer, different varieties of wildflowers come into bloom. The milkweed is now starting to bloom and the insects are ready

Milkweed is another wildflower that requires a closer look. From a distance the milkweed flower looks like a ball but moving in closer you will see many small flowers.
Common Milkweed (
Asclepias syriaca)

Most people are familiar with common Milkweed but the orange Butterfly Milkweed (Butterfly Weed) also blooms at the same time.
Butterfly Milkweed (
Asclepias tuberosa) Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Orange Milkweed

A closer look at both milkweed flowers shows they both have 5 reflexed corolla lobes.
Butterfly Milkweed (
Asclepias tuberosa) Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Orange Milkweed
Common Milkweed (
Asclepias syriaca)