05 March 2014

Hopkins' New House

It was another cold, but dry day as a crew started to back-fill the garage area of Brian & Tish Hopkins' new house. First, the outside of the garage wall was filled with stone to form a solid base. 

Since the soil excavated for the house foundation was frozen, the back-fill material was trucked in.

Once the outside wall area was filled it was time to start filling the inside of the garage floor area.

By the afternoon the garage floor was full of stone.

A view from the outside.

1 comment:

  1. It is really starting to get there. I remember when we first started building our house. I took a year to really just be able to get the basics in so we could live there. I then lived in an unpainted house for about 6 months and we finally got back to work on the place. Now we're almost done.

    Julia Stewart @ Daytona Buyers Agent
