16 September 2014

Red Twig Dogwood

Within the last two weeks, the berries on Red Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea) bushes on our property turned from a dull green to a bright white. This large, fast growing shrub is native throughout this area. The ripe berries are eaten by birds as they ripen.

As soon as the berries ripen the leaves and stems turn a bright red, which gives this member of the Cornaceae (Dogwood) family its name. There was an abundant crop of berries this year

The Red Twig Dogwood may put on a colorful show in the late summer, but this bush can easily take over a field quickly.

1 comment:

  1. The berries in my backyard look ripe (they are white) but I don't know how to eat them it seems like there is a big seed in the middle, do I eat it???
