07 June 2016

Fawn Hunting Success

I started today's fawn hunt by returning to yesterday's "hot-spot" near our cabin, but it looks like the fawns have found a new spot to hide. I was heading down the cabin driveway when I noticed a doe standing in some overgrown grass. As I approached the doe with my truck it quickly headed for the brush but I continued to see some movement in the tall grass. I stopped and watch the area and could see a small fawn slowly walk into a small clump of brush. I found the little guy in the center of the clump.

After a few minutes of inching closer for a better photo the fawn bolted from the brush and then walked slowly through the tall grass and bedded down about 25 yards from where it started. This time the fawn was in a more open area and I could get some better photo.

The fawn kept track of my location and soon let out a "bleat" and headed in the direction of its mother. I had got my photos and returned to my truck.

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