08 June 2020

Trees are Dangerous

The warm dry weather has finally arrived so I've been able to work on some overdue tree removal in our yard. After one close call with a dead ash tree this spring, I wasn't as lucky with a small dead peach tree. I spent yesterday afternoon in the local emergency room getting a dislocated shoulder reset. Tomorrow I will see a doctor about surgery.

Since chainsaws are very dangerous tools, I decided to just manually push over/remove this small dead peach tree located in a very steep section of our lawn. I expected the tree to have dead roots and thereby pop out of the ground. The tree roots were securely anchored in the ground and after a strong push the tree snapped at the ground-line and I was launched over the tree and several feet down the hillside.

I tried to cushion my landing by making first contact to the ground with my head, but most of my body weight was transferred to my right shoulder as I slid down the hill. At this point my right arm was painful and unresponsive. It was another 20 minutes before I was able to get off the ground and return to the house for help.

The base of the peach tree.

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