06 October 2020

Wildflower Seeds

It started out as a project to collect some seeds from the Moth Mullein wildflowers for propagation and sharing. I soon found myself collecting more seeds than I planned.
Buckets and coffee cans of seeds to process.
In the end I collected and processed the seeds of a dozen wildflowers.
The main target flower was the Moth Mullein which produces multiple 1/4 inch seed capsules that contain up to 100 very small seeds, the rectangular dots in the photo. These seeds are much smaller than a grain of sand.
The first two jars on the left are Moth Mullein seeds. One jar of seeds for the white flower and one jar of a mixture of seeds for yellow and white flowering plants. Not shown is a small jar of just yellow Moth Mullein seeds. Some of the other wildflower seeds collected were: Deptford Pink, Butter and Eggs (Common Toadflax), Siberian Iris, Orange Milkweed (Butterflyweed), Scarlet Beebalm and Wild Bergamot (Beebalm).

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