10 September 2023

Bear in the Neighborhood

One of our neighbors told Mary he had a bear encounter during his morning walk on Joyce Rd., about 200 yards from our house. The bear came up over the bank and circled him before continuing up the hill. He also said another neighbor almost hit the bear with their car.

After hearing this news about a bear, I decided to check the game camera at my deer stand. As I was driving along the access road to the deer stand the bear crossed the road and headed toward our cabin. I circled the cabin area with the ATV, but no sign of the bear. I retrieved the game camera memory card and found the bear had been in the area 3 days before.

The bear smelling a dead woodchuck I had dropped off the day before. Bear
The bear must not like the taste of woodchuck and left it. The coyotes also passed on a meal of woodchuck... Bear
These buzzards thought the woodchuck was delicious. Buzzards

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