It's hard to drive around without finding pipeline construction. Three different pipelines are being constructed in our neighborhood at the same time.
Wilmot PipelineThe Wilmot pipeline is the main north/south pipeline running through the neighborhood. The welding operation on the Wilmot pipeline has moved from our property to Jason and Mary Abell's.
Looking north on the Wilmot pipeline from our cabin property toward Abell's.

Looking south, toward our cabin, on the Wilmot pipeline from Abell's.

Pipe welding at Abell's.
Wesauking PipelineWork is just getting started on the Wesauking pipeline. The Wesauking pipeline connects to the Wilmot pipeline on our cabin property and will run west.
A view of the Wesauking pipeline route where it crosses Joyce Road near our barn property.

Clearing and grading of the Wesauking pipeline route has just started and the local turkeys are inspecting the work.
Zion PipelineThe Zion pipeline connects to the Wilmot pipeline near Jason and Mary Abell's house and runs east.
A view of the Zion pipeline from Taylor Hill Road looking west. The clearing and grading of this section of the Zion pipeline is complete from Taylor Hill Road to the Wilmot pipeline and section of pipe are being placed in position.

View of the Zion pipeline looking east from Taylor Hill Road.