No activity in the nest until June 25th when the first chick hatched. The small chick must have been only hours old and was unable to move its head from between the other two eggs.

By the afternoon of the first day the chick was able to move its head. There are visible cracks on the egg on the right.

By the morning of June 26th a second chick has hatched.

June 27th and the third egg still hasn't hatched but both of the other chicks were able to hold their heads up and request food. Both chicks are now much larger than the third egg.

Another day and the first two chicks have grown rapidly and the first signs of pin feathers can be seen on the tips of the wings. The third egg still hasn't hatched and the first two chicks are now big enough to cover the egg.

It's now 5 days since the first chick hatched and it's not looking good for the third egg. The first two chicks are turning darker as they develop more pin feathers.

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