29 January 2019

Falling Snow

It started snowing around noon today and some of the neighborhood deer were out early this afternoon looking for a meal.

28 January 2019

Feeding Time for Deer

Seasonal winter weather has returned to our neighborhood with a low of 4F this morning. As it warmed up to 25F this afternoon I took a drive to our cabin property to counteract my cabin fever. I found these deer making the best of the afternoon weather.

I found this young deer trying to blend into the background as we watched each other.

These deer were searching for a tasty meal in the snow.

This deer taste tests some grass buried in the snow ...

The grass wasn't as tasty as it looked.

Maybe the grass is greener over there.

22 January 2019

Gardening Time

About this time of year, when the gardening catalogs start to appear in the mail and the home improvement stores replace the Christmas displays with racks of garden seeds, I get the urge plant something in dirt. The temperature for the last two nights has been below 0F but the romaine lettuce has spouted in our solarium.

I found a partial packet of romaine lettuce seed that was left over from last year and planted it in our solarium in a large tub. Since romaine lettuce is a cool weather crop I'm looking forward to fresh salads as I thin out this crop.

I'm also keeping an eye on my tangerine tree in the solarium, which is close to ripening.

18 January 2019

Preparing For The Storm

We haven't received too much snow this winter and only about an inch of snow overnight. A major snow storm with 12 to 20 inches of snow is forecast for this weekend. I found this herd of a dozen deer out during the day preparing for the upcoming snow storm.

08 January 2019


There's not much happening in the neighborhood but I did find these turkeys in a corn field enjoying a rare sunny day.