27 March 2023

Sounds of Spring

It only took a couple warm spring days to get the Wood Frogs ready for mating season. With a few isolated patch of snow still on the ground, the Wood Frog's mating call is loud around a small vernal pond on our property.
Wood Frogs may be small, about 3 inches, but a chorus of hundreds of mating frogs can be deafening.
Another vocal amphibian of spring is the Peeper. The Wood Frogs and Peepers were both into mating serenades at the pond. I was able to get this photo of a Wood Frog and a much smaller Peeper (to the right of the Wood Frog) as they sang their mating calls.

21 March 2023

Spring Turkeys

It was a beautiful first full day of Spring and a good day to check the game camera at West Hill. The spring gobbler hunting season will start in 6 weeks and this looks like a good place to hunt.

16 March 2023

A Sign Of Spring

As I pulled into our driveway today, I noticed small dabs of color mixed in with the dull browns and grays of winter. The first Crocus of spring are starting to bloom as the snow from our latest storm melts.

12 March 2023

The Owl Is Back

I stopped during my evening wildlife drive to take some pictures of deer and this Barred Owl lands in a pine tree next to the deer.
After 10 minutes of watching the owl I was able to get out of my truck and walk within 50 feet of the owl. The owl was still in the tree when I left.

05 March 2023

Early Fawns?

I was doing my evening wildlife drive and found this deer. It's at least another two months until the deer start dropping fawns, but this one looks like it could drop triplets now.