14 July 2014

Wildflowers - Mullein

Many of the summer wildflowers are in bloom on our property and two types of Mullein are currently blooming. The Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) and Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) are both members of the Scrophulariaceae (Figwort) family and are non-native invasive species that have naturalized in the United States.

Common Mullein can grow to 6 feet tall or more. Its small yellow flowers are densely grouped on a tall stem.

A close-up view of the Common Mullein flowers.

Moth Mullein gets its name from the resemblance of its flowers' stamen to that of a moth’s antennae. While the Common Mullein is easy to locate due to its tall thick stem, Moth Mullein is shorter with a very thin stem. There are two color variations Moth Mullein in our area, white and yellow.

The white Moth Mullein is the most common variation in our area.

While not as easy to find, yellow Moth Mullein can be found growing side-by-side with the white variety.

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