30 June 2019

Wildflower - Marsh Woundwort

While the Marsh Woundwort (Stachys palustris), also known as Marsh Hedgenettle or Hedge-nettle, is an attractive/showy wildflower, this member of the mint family is taking over my raspberry patch and garden. I'm not sure how this weed got into my garden since its typical habitat is marshes and damp meadows.

Marsh Woundwort is another non-native plant from Eurasia that has made its way to North America. Like other members of the mint family, it is a difficult weed to get rid of because of its persistent tubers. Roto-tilling this weed will chop up the tuberous root and create more plants. I may have to kill all the plants in my raspberry patch with Glyphosate to get it out of my garden.

Although the Marsh Woundwort has little fragrance, it is very attractive to bumblebees. This plant would look very nice in a collection of wildflowers, but not well received in my raspberries.

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