14 September 2020

Late Summer Wildflowers

As the end of Summer draws near it's time to enjoy some of these flowers before they are gone.
Chicory; This striking blue wildflower is a common roadside weed that is a favorite food of deer.
New England Aster; This showy wildflower, blooming through October, is an important late-season food source for pollinators.
Teasel; This invasive wildflower is common along roadsides and is a favorite source of nectar for bees and butterflies. Its seeds are an important winter food resource for some birds.
White Turtlehead; This flower derives its name from resembling the head of a turtle when viewed from the side. It is also the host plant for the Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly.
Tall Coreopsis; This wildflower likes sunny sites with moist soil. It forms showy colonies of plants along water sources.
Some of the Tall Coreopsis growing at our pond.

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