08 November 2020

Wildlife Activity

Matt and I went to our West Hill property last Thursday night to look for a "misplaced" arrow. Little did we know of the wildlife activity that was happening 200 yards from where we were looking.

The following is a series of photos taken by a game camera on our West Hill property road. (Timestamps are in the lower right of the photos. The exact time may be off by one hour due to daylight savings time change)

Photo of my truck passing the camera at 7:16PM as we drive in.

At 7:23PM this bear passes the same camera, walking in the same direction as the area we are looking in.
7:24PM a second bear walks past the camera. Based on their size, these may have been two of the cubs that I have photos of.
At 8:01PM this buck walks by the camera heading in our direction.
At 8:20PM a photo of my truck driving down the road.

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