02 August 2024

Battle of the Bees

It was another hot summer day with the heat index into the 100's. As the temperature cooled in the late afternoon, grandson Reed challenged the grandparents to a Nerf gun battle. The battle started with Reed heading for a high ground advantage on the deck when he was met with a surprise attack by Yellowjackets. All of the Nerf fighters then retreated the battlefield.
Reed's sudden advance up the stairs to the deck had triggered the Yellowjacket's defense warning system to DEFCON level 1. The Yellowjackets were in full attack mode.
As the Nerf fighters regrouped in the rec room, about 50 of the Yellowjackets tried to break down the protection of the sliding glass door. A continuous "thud" of Yellowjackets hitting the window could be heard for the next half hour.
An hour later the Yellowjacket's had lowered their defense warning system to DEFCON level 2. Under the cover of darkness the Nerf fighters launched a retaliation attack with chemical weapons and demolished the Yellowjacket's home base.

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