08 August 2012

Wildflower - Catnip

Like other members of the mint family (Lamiaceae), Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is occasionally cultivated but it escapes readily and is more often found in the wild. I found this catnip plant growing between cracks in some concrete at our barn.

Catnip gets its name from the behavioral effects it has on cats. Catnip is used as a recreational substance for pet cats' enjoyment. The common behaviors when cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip are rubbing on the plant, rolling on the ground, pawing at it, licking it, and chewing it. Consuming much of the plant is followed by drooling, sleepiness, anxiety, leaping about and purring. Some will growl, meow, scratch, or bite the hand holding it.

View of the catnip flower-head.

A close-up view of a catnip flower.

These flowers are small. For reference, here's a catnip flower with an ant in it.

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