01 August 2015


We have a bumper crop of blueberries this year and the race is on between us and the birds as to who can pick the most.

Since the berries don't all ripen at the same time we need to check the bushes every couple of days.

With the temperature in the 90's and high humidly this week, the picking has been uncomfortable. Today's haul was three coffee cans and there are still more berries to ripen.

Ahh ... Blueberry pie, blueberry pancakes, blueberry cobbler, blueberry crumb cake, blueberry muffins, blueberry crisp, blueberry smoothie, blueberries with milk, blueberry scones, blueberry coffee cake, blueberry buckle, blueberry turnovers, blueberry bread, blueberry dumplings, blueberry tarts, blueberry shortcake ...

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