31 July 2019

Wildflower - Scarlet Beebalm

I was doing some work along the small creek behind our house when I noticed some bright red color in the dark green foliage along the creek. It was a patch of Scarlet Beebalm (Monarda didyma). Also known as Red Bergamot, it should not be confused Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) which is in the same mint family and also shares the common name of Beebalm. Both Scarlet Beebalm and Wild Bergamot are also known as Oswego Tea which refers to the use of the leaves for a tea by early colonists.

The flowers of both Scarlet Beebalm and Wild Bergamot are similar in shape while the colors are very different. Scarlet Beebalm also prefers damper soil and shade, where as Wild Bergamot can tolerate drier soil and full sun.

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