09 May 2012

Spring Wildflowers

This wildflower was a new one for me. I found it while walking through our woods.

Easily mistaken for an orchid, the Fringed Polygala (Polygala paucifolia) is a member of the Milkwort Family (Polygalaceae).

Also known as Gaywings, this small flower is only 3/4 of an inch and can be pink to purple.

The flowers are made up of five sepals and three petals. The sepals consist of three small outer and two large, showy petal-like “wings”. Of the petals, two are united to form a tubular structure, with the third keeled or boat-shaped petal cresting in a delicate yellow or pink fringe or frill.

Sometimes this plant is mistaken for Wintergreen, it is also known as Flowering Wintergreen.

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